Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Patientia v1.0 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Patientia v1.0 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Block dropping puzzle game reinvented for touch screen!

Patientia is like classic block-dropping game, except it is designed for a touch screen devices. The game offers you state of the art classic block drop puzzle experience crafted for a touch screen devices. Play it on your phone or your tablet.

Patientia is a puzzle block-dropping game, you control a single shape at a time. You can draw it onto the grid at any rotation. Drawn shapes will form quads when their size is 3x3 blocks or bigger. When the quad is created, it begins to fill up. If you place more shapes along one side of the active quad, it will grow bigger. Wait for the line that moves along the grid in time and stamps filled quads into the grid. When the filled quad is stamped down by the line, that part of the screen is marked as covered and the score multiplier is increased.
  • Draw shapes to create quads
  • Create quads to gain coverage
  • Cover the grid to win
Covering 50% of the grid will unlock next levels.

Covering 100% of the grid in time will take you to a next stage within the level with bigger score bonuses and faster experience.

You can play against time and try to get highest score in a given time, play with no time constraints in the zen mode, or play hunger mode where you get bonus time for each successful action only.

You can draw new shapes and form a new quads on the already marked grid. You gain cover for marked area only once, but you will gain points from all completed quads.

When the board does not fit on screen you can scroll the board using two finger touch gesture.

Required Android O/S : 2.1+

Screenshots :

Download : 25Mb APK
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