Gallery Live Wallpaper: An ever changing gallery on your Android home screen!
Gallery Live Wallpaper v1.1play.google.com.gallerywp
Display your favorite images in a dynamic high-quality slideshow right on your Android home screen! This live wallpaper allows you to select any images on your device and control how they're displayed -- complete with zooms, pans, transitions, crossfades, and more!
If you don't want to take your own pictures, stream them instead! Full support for both Flickr and Reddit based streams allows you to always see what's new! Enter your favorite subreddit, or pick Flickr search terms to control the results.
What's in this version: (Updated: Jun 27, 2012)
- Categories in image browser
- Image browser now has select all/none
- Now using Holo style UI on ICS devices
- Market "open" button behaves better