Make your friends jealous, place a perfect weather report on top of your Instagram photo!
InstaWeather PROplay.google.com.instaweatherpro
Escaping for the weekend and your friends are staying home? Make them suffer with a beach photo and weather conditions from Hawaii or Malibu.
Photo from a morning session of seaside jogging?
Make your friends jealous.
Traveling across sunny and colourful Thailand when it's a cold and dark winter in Minneapolis? Show them who is the real player here!
Snowboarding in Colorado in deep powder and sunny 25F when your mates are closed in an office space with no chances for holidays? YOU RULE!
How does it work?
InstaWeather PRO is your weather overlay App for Instagram!
Thanks to InstaWeather Pro you can share on Instagram the weather report and forecast from the place where your are now – on top of your favourite photo that you have just snapped with your iPhone.
Picture shared through Instagram, combined with all the important forecast data and place name, gives full view of actual outside conditions!
InstaWeather PRO is full of features:
- You can easily choose your favourite skin from 15 available with various weather data: from current temperature and simple info about the location to very detailed forecast with air pressure, temperature, rain, wind power and direction.
- You can also choose the period of the displayed forecast: today, next few days or a whole week.
- It works with Celsius & Fahrenheit, kilometres, miles and many others.
Make your personal weather report NOW!!
What's in this version : (Updated : Mar 29, 2013)
- smaller memory footprint - should help with crashes
- added ability to crop picture
- now you can edit almost everything in the skin, just double tap on any text
Required Android O/S : 2.2+