Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Wild Kingdoms v0.0.1 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

The Wild Kingdoms v0.0.1 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

THE WILD KINGDOMS is an epic fantasy card game set in the Yoruba kingdom!

The Wild Kingdoms play.google.com.twk
THE WILD KINGDOMS is an epic fantasy card game set in the Yoruba kingdoms where you build armies of creatures, control forces of nature, and use magical charms in a war against your opponents. THE WILD KINGDOMS combines beautiful graphics, original gameplay and fast paced strategy.

THE WILD KINGDOMS is also a collection of unique cards that can be collated and enjoyed for their craftsmanship alone.

  • Enjoyable, original and intuitive gameplay blending traditional card and board game rules.
  • Stunning design and card artwork.
  • Starter deck of creatures and elements.
  • Lavishly rendered Deck Manager to help you collect creatures, elements and other types of card. 
  • Multi-platform app: two players can play on the same IOS or Android device; two players can play between any IOS or Android devices.
  • Soundtrack designed by the IGF 2011 excellence in audio award-winner Tapio Luikkonen.
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

Download : 31Mb APK
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