Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Slices Pro for Twitter v1.9.3 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Slices Pro for Twitter v1.9.3 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Slices Pro is the premium version of Slices with no display ads!

Slices Pro for
Slices is a gorgeous new Twitter app with a cutting-edge design, loads of features, and remarkable speed and responsiveness. But Slices is more than just a Twitter app.

Slices is the world’s first Twitter experience that lets you browse a Twitter directory by category, easily follow live events, slice your timeline into manageable streams, bookmark favorite accounts, and synchronize with a web experience.

In short, Slices is a completely new way to experience Twitter. It brings content discovery to the forefront and solves some of the biggest frustrations users have with the Twitter experience.

  • Finding Follows – Slices is the only Twitter app with Explore. Explore is a directory of all of Twitter. With 21 browsable, searchable categories, finding people and lists to follow is astonishingly easy and fun.
  • Live Events – Only Slices has Live Event streams, finally making it easy to follow live events on Twitter. Each stream displays a feed of tweets from the “right” people for today’s events, like sports, TV shows, and other happenings.
  • Timeline Slicer – Another exclusive feature, the Timeline Slicer helps you organize your timeline into “Slices”. These are mini-feeds that you define, letting you read what you want, when you want it.
  • Bookmarks – Anyone who browses the web is familiar with the Bookmark concept. But Slices is the first Twitter app with bookmarks. Just like on a web browser, you can bookmark favorite Twitter accounts or lists for easy access.
  • Mobile-to-Web – Slices lives on your Android phone AND the Slices website. All your actions are automatically synchronized. No struggle to find where you left off, or notifications of messages/mentions that you have already seen.

Slices also sports a comprehensive list of features, as you’d expect from a top-of-the-line Twitter client. A few highlights:
  • Unlimited # of Twitter accounts 
  • Post to Facebook 
  • Search Party – Enhanced search of your own timeline, individual accounts, mentions, private messages and more. 
  • SmartLists - Twitter lists with lots power user capabilities 
  • Zip It - Hide unwanted tweets without unfollowing 
  • Smart Filters - Filter your timeline with one tap to show only tweets with photos or videos
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 4Mb APK
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