Slices Pro is the premium version of Slices with no display ads!
Slices Pro for Twitterplay.google.com.tweetvisionpro
Slices is a gorgeous new Twitter app with a cutting-edge design, loads of features, and remarkable speed and responsiveness. But Slices is more than just a Twitter app.
Slices is the world’s first Twitter experience that lets you browse a Twitter directory by category, easily follow live events, slice your timeline into manageable streams, bookmark favorite accounts, and synchronize with a web experience.
In short, Slices is a completely new way to experience Twitter. It brings content discovery to the forefront and solves some of the biggest frustrations users have with the Twitter experience.
- Finding Follows – Slices is the only Twitter app with Explore. Explore is a directory of all of Twitter. With 21 browsable, searchable categories, finding people and lists to follow is astonishingly easy and fun.
- Live Events – Only Slices has Live Event streams, finally making it easy to follow live events on Twitter. Each stream displays a feed of tweets from the “right” people for today’s events, like sports, TV shows, and other happenings.
- Timeline Slicer – Another exclusive feature, the Timeline Slicer helps you organize your timeline into “Slices”. These are mini-feeds that you define, letting you read what you want, when you want it.
- Bookmarks – Anyone who browses the web is familiar with the Bookmark concept. But Slices is the first Twitter app with bookmarks. Just like on a web browser, you can bookmark favorite Twitter accounts or lists for easy access.
- Mobile-to-Web – Slices lives on your Android phone AND the Slices website. All your actions are automatically synchronized. No struggle to find where you left off, or notifications of messages/mentions that you have already seen.
Slices also sports a comprehensive list of features, as you’d expect from a top-of-the-line Twitter client. A few highlights:
- Unlimited # of Twitter accounts
- Post to Facebook
- Search Party – Enhanced search of your own timeline, individual accounts, mentions, private messages and more.
- SmartLists - Twitter lists with lots power user capabilities
- Zip It - Hide unwanted tweets without unfollowing
- Smart Filters - Filter your timeline with one tap to show only tweets with photos or videos