The Pro version for your favorite custom notification creator!
Notif Pro play.google.com.notifpro
The Pro version for your favorite custom notification creator!
Notif is an app built for Jelly Bean that allows you to create rich notifications for reminders, passwords, lists, pictures, or anything else you'd like to put up there that you can think of!
There are four types of notifications that you can create:
Notif Pro features include:
What's in this version: (Updated on : Jan 28, 2012)
There are four types of notifications that you can create:
- Default, which just holds a title and one line of content
- Big Text, which holds a title, an expanded title, and multiple lines of content
- Big Picture, which holds a title, an expanded title, a little bit of content, and an image that you can take or retrieve from your storage
- List, which you can add a title, up to 7 items, a summary, and a reduced one-line of content
Notif Pro features include:
- All 200 custom icons!
- Lots more to come
- Added
- VoiceNotif: a new way to create notifications!
- Also added two settings for voice notification defaults
- Lots of QuickNotif enhancements
- “Always ongoing” setting
- Fixed/changed
- More/better theming
- Reordered and reorganized preferences
- Buttons look better in editing popups
- Note: Updating will delete your current notifications
Required Android O/S : 4.1+