Virtual PC with Chrome, Java-applets, OpenOffice, Dropbox,Runescape,BNSF,& more!
AlwaysOnPC:Chrome,Java play.google.com.vnc
Imagine having a computer inside your Android device: AlwaysOnPC is your own personal ‘virtual PC’ where can run CHROME browser with JAVA*, a full OPEN OFFICE SUITE, Integrated DROPBOX, & more on your Android device.
This product includes a one year license to use AlwaysOnPC for a single user.
Do everything you can do on your Laptop on your Android device with this amazing app:
✔ OpenOffice suite: open, edit, save Word Excel & Powerpoint with Great Microsoft Office compatibility
✔ Chrome or Firefox - Browse sites & use Extensions, Addons, Toolbars & Java-applets like:
➢ Runescape ➢ Evernote Web Clipper
➢ BNSF ➢ Prezi - Create & edit!
➢ PartyPoker ➢ Zoho
➢ Jibjab.com ➢ Yahoo! Toolbar
➢ Adblock Plus ➢ Xmarks / Lastpass
➢ Acrobat.com ➢ Formscentral.com
➢ Bigpoint.com ➢ Adobe CreatePDF
➢ Google Sites ➢ SlideRocket (Create,edit & host)
➢ United Unimatic ➢ Yahoo Mail with plug-ins!
➢ QuickBooksOnline ➢ Yahoo Web Hosting
➢ Elephantdrive.com ➢ Springpad Clipper bookmarks
➢ Pogo games
... and tons more with fully synchronized browsing! (no sound or streaming yet)
✔ Destop version of Adobe Reader PDF viewer-fill and save forms, Markup/annotations, search & goto-page features
✔ InkScape drawing (.SVG, can import Adobe Illustrator .AI files)
✔ Gimp - for edit, crop and retouch of photos & images like GIF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF etc.
More reasons why customers LOVE AlwaysOnPC:
➤ Super fast opening online files & email attachments: AlwaysOnPC gives you “cloud power” to open huge Office docs, PDFs, images in seconds – even on 3G -- up to ten times faster than other apps!
➤ Copy and paste between Office applications and the photo editor, drawing program, email and more
➤ Included storage: 2 GB of online disk space to store your files
➤ Easy online storage access:DropBox is pre-installed (Access other vendors via FireFox)
➤ Open multiple windows, tabs & apps at once
➤ Import & sync bookmarks and passwords with browser add-ons like Xmarks
➤ Install your favorite FireFox Add-ons like Xmarks or AdblockPlus, or toolbars like Yahoo! or Google
➤ Maximum security: Connections are fully encrypted for your security
Note: The app does not yet support audio or full-motion video – these improvements are coming soon!
Note:App requires Android 2.0 or higher
Registration required for use (and confirmation of email).
Requires an active 3G or WiFi network connection to run
You can try a simulator of Always On PC for free from your PC/Mac - visit our website www.alwaysonpc.com
What's in this version : (Updated : Jan 24, 2013)
- Tab key. Location-Tablet layout: in Command keys at right; Smaller screen devices: in “Command->Pad” keys, at left below arrows.
- Control bar/menu moved right corner
- Show/hide Control bar by tapping Android menu button
- Bug fixes:
- 100's of colors issue
- Typing auto-scrolls/pans the screen
- Tapping outside desktop in mouse mode fixed
- several pixels not visible at top edge of screen in mouse mode with keyboard opened
Required Android O/S : 2.2+