Brushed Metal Apex - Nova - Go Launcher Theme!
BRUSHED METAL APEX-GO THEME v1.1play.google.com.brushedmetal
For all users on android 4.1.1 having a problem with icons not themed in apex-nova launchers
don't cancel your order just email me and ask for apk file , Because Android Jelly Bean 4.1.1 is causing issues with how themes are accessed by the launchers.
Installation Apex Launcher :
- Install Apex Launcher (Free or Pro)
- Install theme
- Open Apex Settings
- Open Theme Settings
- Select and Apply Brushed Metal Theme
- Please Do Not open directly after it's installed.
- Back to GO Launcher EX: MENU > theme preferences.
- Select and Apply Brushed Metal Theme
- fixed gallery not themed in some roms
Required Android O/S : 2.0+