Quickly launch apps, call friends, toggle settings, add calendar events!
1Tap Quick Bar - Quick Settingsplay.google.com.onetap
1Tap Quick Bar is the best notification customization app for Android. It helps you to do most common tasks in a shorter time, such as change Wifi settings, call your wife, add an event, launch an favorite game just in 1-click. It also offers a way to create a beautiful notification bar.
New version supports widget with a ton of customization and shortcut. Long press on home screen to add a new one
How 1tap Quick Bar works?
You can add most of task into notification bar and quickly kick it off in 1tap. It supports over 60 built-in tasks, including
- Direct dial
- Direct message,
- 1-tap direct web page launcher,
- Application shortcut
- Application launcher
- Direct email label
- New event, new message
- Hidden system activities
- 3rd tasks: ram booster
- Media control
How to work 1tap Quick Bar?
A quick bar is a special notification that stays on notification area. It composes up to 6 actions with fully customize its colors, text, background. Actions are categorized into 5 main groups:
Setting: quickly toggle a setting or launch useful setting shortcut (upto 50 types).
- Application: launch chosen application.
- Shortcut: launch shortcut supplied by other applications
- Contact: to make a call, send a sms or email to chosen contact
- Misc: several built-in commands, hidden activities
The design tab helps you to customize any part of a quick bar.
Free version supports one quick bar. Upgrade to Pro version enjoy more quick bar
What's in this version : (Updated : Oct 30, 2012)
- Changed "Hide notification text" option to ON as default
Required Android O/S : 2.0.1+