Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pro Zombie Soccer v1.0 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Pro Zombie Soccer v1.0 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Stop the zombie apocalypse using the deadliest weapon ever: A soccer ball!

Pro Zombie Soccer
Like zombies? Love soccer? 
Well get your soccer gear on, ‘cause it’s time for PRO ZOMBIE SOCCER from Super Awesome Hyper-Dimensional Mega Team!

No one ever needed an excuse to go out and kill zombies. Or to kick a soccer ball around. But if you want an excuse to kick a soccer ball into space, realign an orbital weapons platform and launch a death-ray to explode the heads of the zombies sneaking into your soccer field – then THIS IS IT!

Pro Zombie Soccer’s intuitive control system offers a torrent of incredibly deep, satisfying and addictive zombie-blasting action, from free kicks to full orbital assault! This is high-quality mobile gaming at its best.

A horde of unique zombies; a locker full of cool abilities, combos and rewards; a laugh-out-loud twisted story that spans a series of varied, original and surprising levels ... you won’t want it to end! It’s lucky the game’s SO BIG.

High-resolution visuals, fluid animations, and all the gore you’d expect from a zombie game! Incredible characters, environments and comic-style set-pieces draw you into a surreal, immersive world.

Beautiful graphics and addictive gameplay are accompanied by a full, powerful new soundtrack from Badolatomusic.

Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 16.8Mb APK + 55Mb Cache File

  1. Install the APK
  2. Copy 'com.supermegateam.prozombiesoccer' folder to /sdcard/Android/Obb'
  3. Launch the Game
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