Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MP3dit Pro v1.1.8 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

MP3dit Pro v1.1.8 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

MP3dit is a tag editor for MP3 files!

MP3dit Pro v1.1.1play.google.com.ADnet.Pro
MP3dit is a tag editor for MP3 files. This app can search for album art; fix split albums and song order; and change the artist, album and genre of all your songs. MP3dit can also edit entire albums or groups of files at the same time.

Extremely easy to use, MP3dit is a fully functional app that has the features professionals require yet it’s easy to download and use!

This is the Pro version, which is Ad free, and will get early access to new features!

Coming soon...
support for WAV, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, Flac and WMA

What's in this version : (Updated : May 29, 2012)
  • Minor fix for last update
  • Can select album art from android gallery or file browser now. Long click album art and select the Gallery option to do this.
  • FIXED biggest Force Close error that occurred when changing screen orientation while saving. FC's should be uncommon now
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 560Kb APK
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