Milkdrop for Android !
projectM Music Visualizer v3.9market.android.com.projectm
projectM is a Milkdrop compatible music visualizer. It can be used as a Live Wallpaper or standalone app. Browse through the extensive preset library and rate your favorite presets!
projectM will visualize any sound playing on your phone. If there is none, projectM will visualize your microphone input!
On first start, projectM will download 150 presets into /sdcard/projectM. This is just to get you started. There are thousands of presets avaialble online to try out. Make sure you start projectM standalone once before starting the live wallpaper or you will only have one preset!
To increase quality or performance, adjust texture size under settings. Mesh size is also useful if texture size isn't enough.
This is the Official projectM for Android brought by the original projectM developers. projectM was rewritten in OpenGL ES 2 to improve performance on low power devices.