Osmand is opensource navigation application with raster/vector maps !
OsmAnd+ Maps & Navigation play.google.com.osmand.plus
Osmand is opensource navigation application with access to a wide source of popular open street map data. All map data including vector and raster maps can be stored on the phone memory card for offline usage. Osmand also has online routing and audible guidance.
Osmand+ is a donation based application. By buying it you are supporting the project and receive latest updates via Android Market.
- new Wikipedia feature (download offline POIs)
- offline data, configurable folder for the maps and tiles
- compact vector maps for whole world
- offline search of addresses and places
- custom tile map area download
- pedestrian, bicycle and car modes
- many map layers with customized transparency at a time
- offline routing for short distance (experimental)
- Galaxy Tab supported
- Pebble watch support
- Kalman filter for compass
- Added multi-window support for recent Samsung devices
- New widget (GPS info)
- Easier hillshade overlay configuration (requires Contour Lines plugin)
- Bug fixes (tuned routing, search, AV recording, voice prompts, some display improvements)
Required Android O/S : 1.6+