It's a simple tool to download and update franco.Kernel for the Galaxy Nexus!
franco.Kernel updater play.google.com.franco.kernel
This application is a must have if you have a Galaxy Nexus GSM or LTE version. It's a simple tool to download and update franco.Kernel for the Galaxy Nexus. It eases up the download and update check process for every user.
- Downloads the kernel directly from the ftp
- Checks for updates directly from the ftp
- Checks and downloads Imoseyon's kernel (new feature)
- Kernel auto-flash
- Cpu frequencies changer
- Governor changer
- Voltage control interface
- Kernel settings:
- Hotplug enabler
- Color Control - You're able to change GAMMA values and Color Multipliers to achieve the best color profile
- Sound Control - Increase the max volume of your device
- Download special franco.Kernel boot animation
- Wi-fi special mode to boost signal during streaming while on screen off
- Custom download path
- Live calibrated voltages panel
- Disable logger
- SQlite defrag on boot
- Dedicated milestone and nightly kernels changelogs
- More fixes which include: fix FC in Power Modes, randomly triggered; fixed FC on Governor Control (tested on all my 4 devices), fixed FC on Kernel downloads if it raced with orientation change; fix MD5 mismatch when downloading LeanKernel
- Implemented Koush's ION's networking interface to fetch releases and changelogs from the server (server load should decrease a bit with this)
- Minor improvements and fixes across the app
Required Android O/S : 4.0+