K-10 Mail Pro is the first and only email client for Android!
K-@ Mail Pro - email evolved play.google.com.k10.pro2
K-10 Mail Pro is the first and only email client for Android that combines a gorgeous graphical design with great user experience and the power of K-9 “under the hood”.
Important: K-10 Mail is neither the successor to K-9 nor to Kaiten Mail. K-10 and Kaiten Mail are two different apps from two different developers.
Please note: Exchange accounts are NOT supported yet.
- Beautiful yet simple design for a great user experience
- Automatic setup for many popular email services like Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail
- Supports more email services via IMAP, POP3 and/or SMTP
- Split-screen views on tablet sized screens
- Localized in more than 20 different languages
- Encryption and signatures (PGP)
- Highly configurable and customizable
- Phones and Tablets
- Portrait and landscape mode
- All screen types and sizes
- Keyboard, trackball and touch screen
- Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.x, 4.x
- Text-to-speech notifications (global settings - notifications - text-to-speech)
- User activity recognition (driving, cycling, walking...) for text-to-speech notifications
- Deleted messages show immediately in the trash
- Certain types of attachments didn't show as such
- Poll frequency is now implemented correctly
- Several important bug fixes related (details see What's new)