HD Beautiful Clock Widgets!
HD Beautiful Clock Widgetsplay.google.com.analogclockmaker
“HD Beautiful Clock Widgets" is a huge collection of beautiful customizable analog clocks that include over than 50 different styles for any testes.
- Fully customization (background image, background color, time zone)
- Different sizes (4x2, 5x3) and resizable on some launchers
- Over than 50 themes (Classic, simple, vector, fantasy, 3D, Glassy, simple, wooden, metallic, etc.)
This widget has very simple and user friendly screen to create your favorite clock.
Also it has the following different sizes:
- Normal (4*3) for normal screen.
- Wide (5*3) for wide screen devices like Galaxy Note and etc.
- If you use a task killer, please add the “HD Beautiful Clock Widgets" service to ignore list or uninstall the task killer.
- This app is a home screen widget; long press on home screen to install; it won't show up in application
- Launcher screen.