Advanced Touchpad turns your Android device into a wireless touchpad (mouse) and keyboard to control your PC!
Advanced Touchpad(Remote Mouse) v3.7play.google.com.advancedtouchpad
Advanced Touchpad turns your Android device into a wireless touchpad (mouse) and keyboard to control your PC.
Please do not report bugs in comments, send email to us : arcoidapps 'at' gmail 'dot' com
- Download the server from https://sites.google.com/site/arcoidapps/server.zip
- Exctract and run "Advanced Touchpad Server.exe" on your PC.
- On your device go to "Menu->Auto Discover" and choose one IP Address from the popup list.
Please do not report bugs in comments, send email to us : arcoidapps 'at' gmail 'dot' com
- Supports Windows XP & Windows 7.
- Automatic detects computers (no need to manually configure IP address).
- Wireless mouse.
- Wireless keyboard.
- Simple and powerful user interface.
- Supports portrait and landscape modes.
- Auto enable WiFi (no need to activate WiFi before starting it).
- Vertical and horizontal scrollbars.
- Two-Finger scrolling (vertical and horizontal).
- Pinch To Zoom.
- Tap to click.
- Double tap to double click.
- Tap lock (when dragging).
- 3 mouse buttons.
- Sensitivity control.
- Support special characters.
- Auto run with Windows feature (in Windows 7 right click and run as administrator).
- Acceleration Threshold control.
- Haptic feedback.
- Improved sensitivity control.
- T9 is supported.
- Smiley keys are supported (not every keyboard has smiley keys).
- Special Keys (Ctrl, Alt, Arrows, F1, ...).
- Multimedia Keys (Play, Pause, Stop, ...).
- Explorer Keys (Home, Back, Refresh, ...).
- Auto "Tap Lock" Release.
- Swap left and right buttons.
- Tap and Drag On Special Keys To Hold Down Them
- Keyboard Shortcut Added
- Scrolling And Zooming Improvements
- Sensitivity Control Improved
- Orientation Control Feature added
- Two Finger Tap To Right Click Feature added
Required Android O/S : 2.1+