Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Metronome Tempo v1.0 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

Metronome Tempo v1.0 APK Full Version, Tips, Trick, Cheat and Hack

The bestselling metronome app on iOS is now on Android !

Metronome Tempo
Tempo is the premier mobile metronome app. It is used daily by performing artists for their gigs, teachers in their lessons, students for their practices and even golfers and bodybuilders in their training.

Tempo gives you the features you need without sacrificing usability. Its engine is written from the ground up for high accuracy and stability. Over that is wrapped an attractive and comprehensive single-screen interface. Flashing LEDs also serve as buttons to customize beats, enabling the creation of complex rhythms. Save your configurations as songs in setlists and share them with friends, including those using iOS devices.*

User-accessible storage required.

  • 30 different time signatures: 1-13/2, 1-13/4. 3/8, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8
  • 6 rhythm patterns for simple meters and 3 for compound meters
  • Visual feedback in the form of pulsating LEDs
  • Customize accents or turn beats off to create more complex rhythms
  • Tap tempo function
  • Tempo ranges from 10 to 400
  • 12 sounds sets, including one optimized for live drumming click tracks
  • Store presets in multiple setlists
  • Share and backup setlists
  • Setlists data file compatible with Tempo for iOS
  • Multi-tasking support; playback continues outside of app
Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

Download : 2Mb APK
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