Identify unknown callers and avoid telemarketers with Caller ID from WhitePages !
WhitePages with Caller ID v3.5.2
The largest Android Caller ID service with over 600 million numbers! Includes mobile/cell phones, company & work listings, household members and more.
Please upgrade to the most recent version to fix a recent issue causing app crashes. We apologize for the problems this caused.
What's in this version : (Updated : December 20, 2012)
- Just released! V3.5.2 includes these updates:
- "Use Phone Contacts" option fixed to correctly display names from the phone address book when available.
- Caller's company name & job title displayed in call alert when available.
- Fixed crash occurring during premium search lookups.
- Reminder: You can change when and where Caller ID displays by modifying app settings.
- Look up incoming calls automatically, either during or after the call.
Includes full WhitePages & Yellow Pages search to find find friends and nearby businesses fast!
The app comes with 6 months of Premium Caller ID. After 6 months, you'll have the option to renew Premium Caller ID, or keep using our landline-only Standard Caller ID for free.