The Taskography workflow focuses your attention on tasks you will work on next !
Taskography ToDo List
The Taskography workflow focuses your attention on tasks you will work on next.
Most to do list apps only provide you the tool to record your tasks, but offer no direction in the way you should work through your list.
Taskography is designed around a simple workflow that focuses your attention on the tasks that will be worked in the next few days, while minimizing the time spent on managing the list itself.
Features :
- App built around a streamlined workflow that will focus your attention on tasks to be worked next
- Tags
- Due dates
- Repeating tasks
- Starred tasks
- Various views of your tasks: Active, Due, Starred, Future, Deferred, Closed, All
- Notification when tasks become active
- Notifications when tasks are due or overdue, with customizable time
- Launching URL's or phone numbers on selected tasks
- Local backup/restore
Screenshots :
Download : 150Kb APK